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Colored chemical tests for arsenic in a nineteen-century chemistry textbook. From Jean-Louis Lassaigne. 1844. Tratado completo de química … Madrid.
by Jose Ramon Bertomeu Sànchez
François Boucher, La Toilette, 1742, oil on canvas, 52.5 x 66.5 cm,  Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Inv. no. 58 (1967.4).
by Clara May
Figure 1. McGowan, Brian. “Beautiful black horse standing near the Town Square park on Main Street, U.S.A.” August 18, 2020.<br />
by Liam R. Findlay
Figure 1. After P. Renouard, Wormwood Scrubs prison, London: four cooks in prison uniform standing in a line in front of buckets and baskets, process print, 1889, 15 x 20.8 cm, Wellcome Collection 37857i
by William Tullett
Figure 1. Coal Tar Color Works at Greenford, published in the Journal of the Society of Arts, 1877,  Wellcome Collection, London.
by Manon Raffard
Figure 2. The Sanatorium and grounds, Bournemouth, 1880, photolithograph after an etching, 15651i, Wellcome Collection, London.
by Jonathan Reinarz
by William Tullett