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Figure 5. A physician dressed in protective plague costume. Line engraving after J.J. Manget, 1700-1799. Wellcome Collection, 10075i
by Rose Byfleet
Figure 1. A rarer example of the adoration of the Magi scene in which frankincense is not just given but burnt, Jacob Gole, after Carlo Maratta, ‘Adoration of the Magi’, 1670-1724, mezzotint and engraving, 25.6 x 17.5cm, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, RP-P-1888-A-13907
by William Tullett
Figure 2. The Sanatorium and grounds, Bournemouth, 1880, photolithograph after an etching, 15651i, Wellcome Collection, London.
by Jonathan Reinarz
by William Tullett